New API version v6.12.5 has been released! 🎉
REST Documentation
GET Customer Details

Get Customer Details

You can use this endpoint to call up an individual customer.


GET /api/v1/customers/:customer_number
curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'


	"data": {
		"customer_number": "11917",
		"name": "Prohaska, Wuckert and Schmidt",
		"additional_name": "z.Hd. Empfang",
		"website": "",
		"email": "",
		"phone": "1-817-262-1545",
		"fax": "(930) 360-4634",
		"currency": "EUR",
		"comments": "Recusandae nihil quas libero iusto illum vero.",
		"industry": "",
		"tax": "0.0000",
		"tax_number": "DE123456789",
		"iban": "DE123456789",
		"bic": "BIC12345678",
		"payment_target": 30,
		"payment_target_discount": 4,
		"status": 0,
		"created": "2023-12-29T13:04:33.000000Z",
		"modified": "2023-12-29T13:04:33.000000Z",
		"billing_procedure": 1,
		"automated_invoicing": 1,
		"debit_payment": 0,
		"addresses": [
				"id": 3,
				"name": "Von, Schmitt and Ryan",
				"address": "79775 Prohaska Vista",
				"zip_code": "44696",
				"city": "Ebertbury",
				"country": "Mayotte",
				"is_default": 0,
				"is_billing_address": 1,
				"is_shipping_address": 1,
				"email": "",
				"machine_readable_invoice_dispatch": 0,
				"email_cc": "",
				"country_code": "KZ"
		"employees ": [
				"username": "ellsworth.schmeler",
				"has_edit_customer_data_permission": 0,
				"has_budget_responsibility_permission": 0,
				"is_primary_employee": 0